Clinical MD MS in UK are offered by top ranked UK universities. Clinical MD/MS admission in UK without PLAB is possible in all major specialties. MD Internal Medicine, Master of Surgery and other quality programs are available in UK with hands on training. Guidance and advice for Admission in UK to pursue Clinical MD MS courses. Medical PG in UK enhances knowledge and skills to gain confidence of patients and respect among other medical practitioners
PG medical in UK after MBBS in India
PG medical in UK attracts high respect and recognition among the colleagues and fellow professionals. United Kingdom is well known for the quality education and medical standards. Masters in medical program from UK attracts a great reputation in the field.
MTI training is a great move by Royal Colleges in UK, a beneficial scheme for international medical graduates at a level of junior doctors to work and train in UK’s most reputed NHS Hospital. Many Universities are coming up with programs that are based on the guidelines of curriculum of respective Royal College and offer a golden opportunity to International Medical Graduates to gain knowledge and exposure to the preferred specialty.
Clinical MD MS in UK without PLAB – Course Options
UK Universities are offering Clinical MD/ MS Courses in all major Clinical Specialties like Medicine, Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Laparoscopic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery and Rheumatology, Pediatrics, Gynecology, Nuclear Medicine and Radio Oncology and many more
Some of the quality programs offered by various top ranked UK Universities attracting Indian Medical Graduates for clinical MD/MS admission without PLAB are:
MD Internal Medicine in UK
MD Internal medicine or MD Medicine is a 3 year specialized General Medicine Program. University will offer temporary General Medical Council registration to the enrolled student so that the student can get in hand training in NHS Hospital in UK.
Trainees will have the opportunity to:
- Stay and work in one of the oldest universities in the UK and gain hands-on training in all major specialties of clinical medicine.
- Clinical training curriculum for international students similar to UK local training program in partnership with RCP London, enabling completion of MRCP.
- Work as a junior doctor (paid work up to 20 hours a week) alongside the local graduates.
- Working opportunities to work as a specialist and progress to specialty training in Cardiology, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Acute Medicine etc
This course is ideal program for ambitious International Doctors who will benefit from a Clinical MD, intensive clinical training, MRCP, options for working in the NHS and research training.
Also, trainees have a chance to pursue specialty curriculum in Acute Medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Rheumatology and Neurology
MS General Surgery in UK without PLAB
General Surgery is an exciting field and the role of the practitioner varied widely. General surgeons are doctors who specialize in surgical procedures. Surgery is any procedure that alters body tissues to diagnose or treat a medical condition. General Surgeons in the United Kingdom usually subspecialise in any specific body area but they must have sound knowledge of general skills as they are also required to participate in the emergency surgical processes. General Surgery in the United Kingdom is among the most demanding surgical specialities. It is a highly competitive branch, luckily competition levels are lower when compared to other surgical specialities
General surgery is a surgical speciality that focuses on abdominal contents including the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, appendix and bile ducts, and often the thyroid gland. They also deal with diseases involving the skin, breast, soft tissue, trauma, Peripheral artery disease and hernias and perform endoscopic procedures such as gastroscopy and colonoscopy.
Master in Surgery (MCH)
MCH Orthopedic
MCH Urology
MCH Ophthalmology
Surgical Interventions
Laparoscopic Surgery
Minimal Invasive Surgery
We are accepting applications for the next intake.
Other Courses
Advanced Pediatrics and Child Health
Pre-natal Genetics and Fetal Medicine
Human Clinical Embryology and Assisted Conception
Diabetes Management and Care
Nuclear Medicine
How to Pursue MD MS in UK after MBBS in India
It is now easy to pursue Clinical MD MS in UK without PLAB. With the latest changes adopted by Govt of UK, International Medical Graduates can now join Clinical Training Programs approved by Royal Colleges and Recognized by Medical Council of India
Reasons to Join MD MS in UK
UK offers number of reasons to join MD MS in UK. PG Medical in UK assures best standards in professional commitment, patient management and treatment and global acceptancd